A Victory for the Rule of Law

One of the most important pieces employed in the creation of a successful, lasting society has always been the rule of law. Without this vital component, there is no protection for the common citizen, no stability resulting in economic growth, no structure to enable the establishment of social mores and faith in leadership. Accordingly, tyranny flourishes, resulting in crime, poverty and often revolution. One only has to consider the death and destruction currently erupting in Haiti to find a prime example.

Those countries or nations that accept the boundaries constructed by an active and accepted rule of law have historically prospered until targeted for “reconstruction” by elements from within who, being unable to resist the inherent opportunities to gain power and wealth through abuse of their lofty positions, proceed to alter the legal structure in order to attain their goals. Their citizens then become the victims of a “two-tiered” system of justice designed to protect those in power while hamstringing any efforts by their opponents to return the rule of law to its intended form.

America has been fortunate to enjoy the protection of a Constitution designed by our founding fathers that clearly delineates the responsibilities assigned to our government, federal and state, and its citizens regarding to our rule of law, requiring that changes to this system must be the result of deliberations performed by the Legislative branches of our governmental structure, kept apart from the whims of whatever administration is currently in power and/or the special interest groups that have its ear.

Despite numerous attempts by Democratic jurists and politicians to prevent previous President Donald Trump from appearing on state ballots during the upcoming primary elections, the United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled that such actions were illegal and their proponents must desist from pursuing the dream of socialists/communists such as the Secretary of State of Maine (and poor loser of a recent Senatorial bid) Shenna Bellows, Illinois county circuit judge Tracie Porter, and a liberal-leaning watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics headquartered in Washington, D.C. that in September filed a lawsuit in Colorado (purportedly) on behalf of six “Republican and independent voters”, led by 91-year-old Norma Anderson.

Of course, this finding produced a firestorm of wailing protest from the Democratic Party establishment including the usual Leftist media and “social communications” sources, who immediately accused the Supremes of “inventing new law”. This from the same groups who were perfectly content with a previous Court decision that discovered a “Constitutional right” to abortion, before a recent reversal revealed that no mention of such a specific “right” was to be found in that document.

Currently it seems likely that our choice for President during this election period will unfortunately be limited to one of two individuals, neither of which a majority of voters would, according to current polls, wish to see elected to such an important office during a time of national and worldwide unrest and danger. Hopefully the bipartisan actions of the highest court in the Nation will set a standard for the politicians and their more rabid followers to consider, as the turmoil will undoubtedly increase – but I would not count on it.

Voters should expect further shenanigans prior to election day.

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